Friday, December 28, 2018

Catch 23

Those of us who don’t believe
in ourselves face a dilemma.
If we put our whole heart
into doing something,
the chances are good we will fail
and our worst fears will be confirmed.
If we play it safe and don’t really try hard,
we have the comfort of knowing we failed
because we didn’t really try.


  1. I feel that way a lot of the time, but luckily I have a wonderful grandfather that keeps me going in the right direction!

  2. I've had the discussion with many a student about the word "try". In my world, "trying" is just our way of accepting failure because we did not prepare ourselves enough to succeed in what we were doing.'s just a pinch of humility that we are too proud for...but in reality...we DO...we decide on a path, we go down that path and we either succeed or fail. If we succeed thats great! But if we fail...we should recognize how we failed...learn from the humility...and DO it again BETTER. If that makes sense, then looking back at the word "try" really just means we didn't do anything.

  3. I try to eliminate that word from my daily vocabulary:-)
