Saturday, June 15, 2019

Winter Sky

A tiny glistening speck
tears holes in cumulus cotton.
Faster than sound
it drags shreds of vapor
from a growling bear into
a seven-legged dragon and
an old man’s head.

Friday, June 14, 2019


People whose ideas
oppose my ideas
are not idiots.
They have different beliefs.


When you forced your filthy penis
into your granddaughter’s mouth
you sated your demented lust
and sold your soul to the devil.

When you used her tiny body
to satisfy your desires,
you vandalized her innocence
without a shred of remorse.

When that was not enough for you,
you slithered through the branches
of your family tree and poisoned
more of your own progeny.

You’re the lowest form of human life,
a scum-filled predator with no redemption.
An eternity in hell falls short
of the fate that you deserve.

Casualties of War

Abused children are so hungry for relief
from their pain of trauma and abandonment
they are prime candidates for drug addiction,
illness and emotional disorders.
That insatiable craving for nurturing and security
doesn’t go away when they reach adulthood
and they have more access to addictive behaviors.

So America’s war on drugs is a war waged against
people who were abused as children.
Its battlefield strategy is to punish those people
for being abused by turning them into felons
and incarcerating them for long periods
in prisons where they are likely to be abused.
Like most wars, there are heavy casualties.

Blind Loyalty

Members of the military
wear blind loyalty like a badge of honor
to justify behavior that is immoral
in the real world.

A Suit for a Suit

Could I bring suit
against the Trump Administration
on behalf of my great-grandchildren
for putting their health at risk?

It would be difficult to make a case on my behalf
since I may only be around for another 15 years.
But their lives and health will certainly be harmed
by the removal of regulations that are
based on almost universally accepted science.

The health and lives of millions of children
around the world is being put at risk
by profiteers who are ignoring global warming
and environmental pollution.

Would a suit take my suit?